March Madness! The fallacy of "flattening the curve". Shutting down the economy and disrupting our way of life to protect 20% of the population is co


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
March Madness! The fallacy of "flattening the curve". Shutting down the economy and disrupting our way of life to protect 20% of the population is counterproductive madness

I have been watching all the hysteria surrounding a virus which the Chinese once again unleashed on the world.

This "flatten the curve" logic all these so-called medical "experts" are throwing at us is the wrong way to go about cracking this problem. Dr. Fauci and may be well meaning but he's not an economist, so we need to stop listening to people like him or they are going to crash our economy and wipe out all the gains we've made under the incredible leadership of President Trump.

Take the worst case scenario right now, Italy. Look at the foolish self-inflicted chaos they've created. Their biggest problems are economic. That is, they are suffering from the counterproductive measures trying to deal with this virus, NOT the virus itself which has infected 0.04% of their population.

If we're not careful, the same will happen here.

So here's what needs to happen:

I think the highly susceptible 20% of population needs to quarantine themselves to stay away from this virus, while the other 80% of the healthy population go about their lives. Sure, govts at all levels can assist creating a civil network to help make sure the most vulnerable get the care, food and necessities from uninfected helpers, while the rest of us carry on.

At this point, there are too many reservoirs of contamination and nucleation points for infection clusters to slow it down. Most people (80%) will have a mild to nasty cold but no distress that requires medical assistance. We can predict most of the other 20% by factors such as age and health condition.

Forget this "flattening the curve" nonsense for 80% of the population. Ditch these ridiculous and equally counterproductive "test kits" and websites tracking the number of cases, which are doing nothing but causing panic shoppers to hoard items like toilet paper and hand sanitizer. Why are we bothering with a "test" that has a record of embarrassing imprecision? In the UK, patients are required to have 3 or more negative tests at intervals before being released from isolation in hospital. Again, stupid!

The only bell curve that matters is the number of people getting seriously ill and dying from this virus - the 20%.

That's it. Ignore the 80%.

Central planning is not the American way, so shutting down the economy to protect the 20% is counterproductive. Just look at what the Italian govt has done to its citizens trying to fight a relatively harmless virus which has only infected 0.04% of their population. Other foolish European countries are headed down the same disastrous path. That's the bureaucratic EU way - where the so-called "cure" is always worse than the disease.

We need the strong, healthy and robust productive 80% to keep things going so we have the means to take care of the vulnerable 20%. A "national shutdown" on any scale cripples everyone, and how does that help the 20%?

Every virus has a bell curve, so even if we did nothing, it WOULD taper off, probably in 2-3 months. However, no matter we do, the Coronavirus will not be eradicated. Other corona viruses visit the US at irregular intervals as do all the known influenza. This one will visit again and kill more Americans. Are we going to go through this nonsensical panic next year all over again? In the future, there will be a vaccine for those at higher risks or who wish to request it. That's it.

Contrary to the race-baiters and so-called "experts", President Trump did the right thing banning all flights from China over a month ago, which is why the US is not Italy right now. Unfortunately that measure only bought us time. Now he needs to fire all the people advising him on this global pandemic, put on his MAGA business hat, look at the big picture and get the country moving again!

Stop this counterproductive govt-imposed madness and bring back March Madness!

Who is with me?

Mar 13, 2020
I have been watching all the hysteria surrounding a virus which the Chinese once again unleashed on the world.

This "flatten the curve" logic all these so-called medical "experts" are throwing at us is the wrong way to go about cracking this problem. Dr. Fauci and may be well meaning but he's not an economist, so we need to stop listening to people like him or they are going to crash our economy and wipe out all the gains we've made under the incredible leadership of President Trump.

Take the worst case scenario right now, Italy. Look at the foolish self-inflicted chaos they've created. Their biggest problems are economic. That is, they are suffering from the counterproductive measures trying to deal with this virus, NOT the virus itself which has infected 0.04% of their population.

If we're not careful, the same will happen here.

So here's what needs to happen:

I think the highly susceptible 20% of population needs to quarantine themselves to stay away from this virus, while the other 80% of the healthy population go about their lives. Sure, govts at all levels can assist creating a civil network to help make sure the most vulnerable get the care, food and necessities from uninfected helpers, while the rest of us carry on.

At this point, there are too many reservoirs of contamination and nucleation points for infection clusters to slow it down. Most people (80%) will have a mild to nasty cold but no distress that requires medical assistance. We can predict most of the other 20% by factors such as age and health condition.

Forget this "flattening the curve" nonsense for 80% of the population. Ditch these ridiculous and equally counterproductive "test kits" and websites tracking the number of cases, which are doing nothing but causing panic shoppers to hoard items like toilet paper and hand sanitizer. Why are we bothering with a "test" that has a record of embarrassing imprecision? In the UK, patients are required to have 3 or more negative tests at intervals before being released from isolation in hospital. Again, stupid!

The only bell curve that matters is the number of people getting seriously ill and dying from this virus - the 20%.

That's it. Ignore the 80%.

Central planning is not the American way, so shutting down the economy to protect the 20% is counterproductive. Just look at what the Italian govt has done to its citizens trying to fight a relatively harmless virus which has only infected 0.04% of their population. Other foolish European countries are headed down the same disastrous path. That's the bureaucratic EU way - where the so-called "cure" is always worse than the disease.

We need the strong, healthy and robust productive 80% to keep things going so we have the means to take care of the vulnerable 20%. A "national shutdown" on any scale cripples everyone, and how does that help the 20%?

Every virus has a bell curve, so even if we did nothing, it WOULD taper off, probably in 2-3 months. However, no matter we do, the Coronavirus will not be eradicated. Other corona viruses visit the US at irregular intervals as do all the known influenza. This one will visit again and kill more Americans. Are we going to go through this nonsensical panic next year all over again? In the future, there will be a vaccine for those at higher risks or who wish to request it. That's it.

Contrary to the race-baiters and so-called "experts", President Trump did the right thing banning all flights from China over a month ago, which is why the US is not Italy right now. Unfortunately that measure only bought us time. Now he needs to fire all the people advising him on this global pandemic, put on his MAGA business hat, look at the big picture and get the country moving again!

Stop this counterproductive govt-imposed madness and bring back March Madness!

Who is with me?


Perhaps just put all the old and sick in all the cruise ships not being used and then when out at sea have our military sink the ships. Could put a whole new spin on the term march madness for this country.

I would suggest being calm, sports haven't even been on hiatus for a week yet.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
We all know agrees with Joe and who won't. The usual suspects

New member
Apr 7, 2016
coffeestation.. c u r in many shooting during the big freeze...or is it biz as usual???

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Perhaps just put all the old and sick in all the cruise ships not being used and then when out at sea have our military sink the ships. Could put a whole new spin on the term march madness for this country.

I would suggest being calm, sports haven't even been on hiatus for a week yet.

They shouldn't be on hiatus at all.

Look at the problem using a cost-benefit analysis, rather than through the liberal lenses of social media-induced hysteria and govt propaganda.

Focusing ANY energy and allocating valuable resources on people who effectively are immune from this virus (80% of the population) is just DUMB and wasteful.

In Italy, people have to fill out govt forms just to go get groceries. Italy is the Venezuela version of "solving" the Coronavirus crisis - clearly what NOT to do.


Right now the US is tracking about 2 weeks behind them.

All these woefully embarrassingly inaccurate "test kits" are going to do is induce nationwide panic and draconian govt crackdowns.

Totally stupid, counterproductive and completely unnecessary.

If I were QAnon, I'd posit Dr Fauci is another deep state saboteur directed to take out Trump. His plan of "flattening the curve" is that bad.


Dec 15, 2004
The OP is too logical and no one in this world follows logic. They have created the Orson Wells radio version of War Of The Worlds. Widespread Panic and I'm not talking about the musical group.

Sep 21, 2004
The OP is too logical and no one in this world follows logic. They have created the Orson Wells radio version of War Of The Worlds. Widespread Panic and I'm not talking about the musical group.
Yes, Sherrif Joe has the answers just like Dr. Enfuego.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
  1. AGE
confirmed cases
all cases
  1. 80+ years old
  1. 21.9%
  1. 14.8%
  1. 70-79 years old
  1. 8.0%
  1. 60-69 years old
  1. 3.6%
  1. 50-59 years old
  1. 1.3%
  1. 40-49 years old
  1. 0.4%
  1. 30-39 years old
  1. 0.2%
  1. 20-29 years old
  1. 0.2%
  1. 10-19 years old
  1. 0.2%
0-9 years old
  1. no fatalities


Note: this chart doesn't paint the entire picture as there are other risk factors associated with this virus.

But, all things being equal, why even "test" most people under 70?


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
More government "solutions":

"California Governor Gavin Newsom orders all bars, nightclubs, wineries, pubs, etc across the state to close. Restaurants to remain open, must reduce capacity."


Jul 14, 2007
I don't think we could self-regulate based on some 90/10, 80/20 rule. We lead the league in obesity and pre-existing conditions. How would that even work? This isn't a video game, we're a vast country of 330M people.

Maybe if we were more prepared in some alternate universe. Also think that guy has major blind spots as to the level of social cohesion we have in America for a variety of reasons that hopefully people will just nod so I don't have to go on a massive rant about migration, assimilation, cultural homogeneity.

And lastly, his cost benefit analysis basically means you're accepting torching off a considerable amount of the population. Even if hard data said that was correct, I can't really see a 1st world country doing it.

Jul 14, 2007
I'm still on the fence about this but I think the herd immunity strategy that UK is trying to pull off would probably be best for us. We'll see how they do.

May 27, 2007
I'm still on the fence about this but I think the herd immunity strategy that UK is trying to pull off would probably be best for us. We'll see how they do.

Keep the old people and people with pre-existing conditions at home and the rest of us should go on with our normal lives.

Jul 14, 2007
Do you realize how many people have pre-existing conditions, which ones go to work, which ones stay home? Diabetes stay home, arthritis work?

If you're a fatass with a weak immune system do you stay home, do you go to work? Who is a fatass? Who gets to stay home?

Who decides this, when? how fast?

Sounds better on paper than in practice.

May 27, 2007
Do you realize how many people have pre-existing conditions, which ones go to work, which ones stay home? Diabetes stay home, arthritis work?

If you're a fatass with a weak immune system do you stay home, do you go to work? Who is a fatass? Who gets to stay home?

Who decides this, when? how fast?

Sounds better on paper than in practice.

Oh I know but we can’t just sit around for 3 weeks.
Mar 13, 2020
Do you realize how many people have pre-existing conditions, which ones go to work, which ones stay home? Diabetes stay home, arthritis work?

If you're a fatass with a weak immune system do you stay home, do you go to work? Who is a fatass? Who gets to stay home?

Who decides this, when? how fast?

Sounds better on paper than in practice.

Not to mention that a lot of these older people are the owners, bosses, managers ect of many companies. Heck the president is an elderly man along with many people in our government and I don't really know of anyone that is 65 plus that isn't taking medication for something....So are the rules just going to pertain to the public but not our public servants?

It has always fascinated me how easily people from one group can quickly come up with a solution that will hinder another group but obviously not them....then they try to pass it off as so simple. So much for "we are all in this together"

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
I don't think we could self-regulate based on some 90/10, 80/20 rule. We lead the league in obesity and pre-existing conditions. How would that even work? This isn't a video game, we're a vast country of 330M people.

Maybe if we were more prepared in some alternate universe. Also think that guy has major blind spots as to the level of social cohesion we have in America for a variety of reasons that hopefully people will just nod so I don't have to go on a massive rant about migration, assimilation, cultural homogeneity.

And lastly, his cost benefit analysis basically means you're accepting torching off a considerable amount of the population. Even if hard data said that was correct, I can't really see a 1st world country doing it.

Only 20% of the population needs to quarantine. The other 80% don't need or want to. 20% of the population is more manageable than 100%, unless you want to live in a police state. We don't need to impose curfews and call in the national guard like a horrifying scene out of the movie Contagion. That's crazy and counterproductive.

1) For "high risk" individuals, self-quarantine for 2-3 months while the virus cycles and have friends and family bring food to their door, ring the bell, leave - little to no contact. There are church groups already doing this. For those who need outside assistance, local govts can set up volunteer networks assisting the elderly and infirm. Thousands upon thousands of people across the country will sign up as volunteers. This is the easiest group to quarantine because they know their lives depend on it.

2) For people with ANY symptoms, no matter what category they fall into, stay home and self-quarantine. Common sense, whether it's Corona or something else. Right now the system is set up to encourage people to rush out to soon-to-be overwhelmed hospitals and testing centers which will infect everyone they come into contact with. Again, recklessly stupid!

3) People who get sick to the point they need a respirator or whatever are hospitalized and treated.

80% of the population doesn't need or want to quarantine.

This virus isn't the "big picture", the economy is. Look at Italy.

It's not rocket science.

Quarantine the "high risk" category, for the rest it's business as usual.

May 27, 2007
Not to mention that a lot of these older people are the owners, bosses, managers ect of many companies. Heck the president is an elderly man along with many people in our government and I don't really know of anyone that is 65 plus that isn't taking medication for something....So are the rules just going to pertain to the public but not our public servants?

It has always fascinated me how easily people from one group can quickly come up with a solution that will hinder another group but obviously not them....then they try to pass it off as so simple. So much for "we are all in this together"

Duh, in this specific situation, one group will not die while the other will die. No shit.
Mar 13, 2020
Oh I know but we can’t just sit around for 3 weeks.

What about this don't you like? You will still get to sit home and post here, plus more to argue about, in truth I think you're overjoyed as this has added to your life.
Sorry for being blunt, but ur whole "I don't vote because I don't like Trump or anyone else and my vote doesn't count and I hope trump wins in a landslide" broke me on you...

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